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Restriction of the demoversion
From Version 3.60 on there will be a change in the DEMO-Version system! A
brush will be inserted into the created animations and the memory-eating
will be stopped! Sou you have the possibility to work with the wf-demo
version like with a registered version, but your animations will have
a Demo sign on it! But we hope this is more user-friendly!
Till this release (about mid till end of July 1997) it works like this:
The demoversion has all features of the full Wildfire-version.
You can test everything before you decide to buy the program.
The only restriction of the Demo-version is that all
dynamically allocated memory will be stored until you quit the
program - this makes it impossibible to process large projects
or many pictures during one session.
But this gives you the possibibily to test *all* program-features
before buying the full version.
So you can not convert large animations, test big processes and
so on without lots of memory!
When you register you`ll get your personal wildfire.library
which replaces the wildfire.library in the system drawer and
this registered library will stop the `memory-eating`.